The 2014 Delicious Food Show

The third annual Delicious Food Show sponsored by the Food Network, took place this weekend at the Direct Energy Centre. The three day exhibit brought in over 200 exhibitors, more than 40 live cooking demonstrations and celebrity Chefs such as Mario Batali, Chuck Hughes, Tyler Florence, Mark McEwan and Nadia G.

The day started off with a press conference with special guests Mario Batali, Tyler Florence, Chuck Hughes, Rob Gentile and Judy Merry. Batali discussed his new book, America Farm To Table, by sharing that it’s very personal and has some of his favorite recommendations from farmers. He says, “It’s about how they relate to the real world.”

Food network star Florence, also talks about his new book , Inside the Test kitchen. Another book where readers get a close level of intimacy, and one of the realest things Florence has ever written. It took longer than any of his other books to write because it’s a book complied by the community, and he explains, “I been cooking professionally for almost 30 years. Life is good right now, it’s my 19th year on TV, I’ve got three restaurants that are stable. We’re not cooking because we have to be somewhere in five minutes. We don’t have to read a recipe to do it.” The book dives deep into the whys, and why-nots of his cooking, and readers also have a chance to see all of his experiments. He also tells us, “Technology makes these things easier to crack up. What it’s like to write great recipes, it’s about cooking technique and shooting them as they come out.”

We also received a quick tour from Abbey Sharp, the creator of Abbey’s Kitchen. The media had a chance to try Home of the Brave’s recipes, a s-mores ice cream bar.

On top of everything, The Delicious Food Show announced at the conference that in 2015, the first ever Food & Wine Festival will make its debut. They mentioned that it will not only encompass the Toronto food scene, but rather the food scene across Canada. Further details are still to be confirmed.