Queen of Burlesque Dita Von Teese takes over Toronto


The Queen of Burlesque, Dita Von Teese made her way  to Toronto on February 20 for two special appearances.

First with a signing of her latest book YOUR BEAUTY MARK at an vintage fashion boutique Rosie The Rebel. The book reveals some of her biggest beauty secrets and tips and over 300 fans showed up to see the beauty queen. Teese was more than friendly by chatting with everyone who bought her book and even posing for quick selfies!


Later that evening, as part of Northbound Leather’s 26th Anniversary night at the Phoenix Concert Theatre, Teese headlined the night with two performances. The first act, Teese came out in a stunning diamond gown performing a breath taking dance piece.


For her second and final act, Teese returned with a beautiful red gown which she later stripped down to a lingerie piece. With fans cheering all around, Teese returned by sliding into a huge glass, creating a stunning but seductive final moment of the performance.

[Photography by Oly Bernardi & Connor Watt]
