Black Friday 101

Black Friday can be stressful. For the last few years, what started as the biggest shopping day of the year in the united states has steadily made its way into Canada. Deals steadily appear from early November onward now, and without a shopping strategy in place, you can miss the best ones.

Don’t worry we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re shopping Black Friday in-store, online, or both, we’ve rounded up 4 strategies to ensure your shopping experience is as smooth as possible.

  1. Draft Your In-Store Game PlanSuccessful Black Friday plans don’t include diving into the crowds and hoping for the best. Create a list of the items you’re shopping for, and which stores will have them. However, don’t forget to check the little things. For example, know the hours of the stores on your list — many will likely open Thursday night, and some discounts will only run for a certain amount of time. If there’s a major discount running only until 6 am, that store should take priority over others. However, very popular items like video game consoles or TV deals will need to head up your list, as those are more likely to have a limited supply in-store
  2. Be Prepared for Long LinesShopping in-store on Black Friday means you’re sure to encounter at least one significant wait, so make sure you bring entertainment. Add an upbeat playlist to your phone, or download a new audiobook. That said, a good general rule is to carry only the essentials. That thermos of coffee might sound like a great idea when you’re thinking about waiting in the cold, but having to haul it around while you’re shopping will probably be more of a hassle than anything else.
  3. Get Social With Your Favourite StoresWhether you prefer Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or another platform, start following your favorite stores on social media now. Keep a close eye on these accounts, since coupons, sale previews, or even Black Friday ads can appear on social media. These can net you some serious savings on individual items or even your entire purchase, and they might be something you wouldn’t have seen otherwise.
  4. Be Kind to Sales AssociatesThis should go without saying. Even the retail employees who are grateful for the chance to earn some holiday OT for working on Thanksgiving Day or Black Friday are still going to have to face ridiculously long lines and temperamental customers. You might not be able to control the people around you, but you can be a bright spot in someone’s otherwise stressful day. If you’re having trouble finding something, go ahead and ask — but be polite, and definitely be patient.

If you are looking for good deals this black Friday we already have some places in mind!

Gibby’s Electronic Supermarket

We know that electronics are the big ticket items when it comes to Black Friday shopping. Truth be told you are you guaranteed the best deals when it comes to electronics on this “Holiday”. If your looking for a place with great deals and amazing service check out in St. Catharines ON

NYX Cosmetics

This colourful cheap makeup is very high quality and in known for the affordability of all their products. With that being said NYX is sure to have some amazing deals this Black Friday. Check out their location within Square One in Mississauga and In the Eaton’s Centre in Toronto.

The Bay

The Hudson Bay department store in the heart of downtown Toronto is one of the busiest place to be on Black Friday. From really good deals to the pretty holiday windows out in front there is no reason not to stop by The Bay during Black Friday