MisterWives welcomes the crowd at the Mod Club

When people ask me to describe MisterWives’ music, there’s only one word that comes to mind: happy. Music that makes you feel alive, energetic, positive and free. So naturally, their show came nothing short of that.
Colourful vines and flowers decorated the stage to make you feel as if you’re stepping inside an enchanted, Wonderland of a world. With a packed room of people at the Virgin Mobile MOD Club Thursday afternoon, the lights went out and the band took the stage. With a heavy drum kick, accompanied by flashing lights & guitar chords, the beginning beat to Best I Can Do filled everyone’s ears. As they played the beat over and over, the crowd screamed louder, and Mandy Lee (lead singer) jumped onto the stage & the band dove right into the song.
Whether MisterWives brought the energy down with the ballad Coffins or rose it up back up with beat-pumping Not Your Way, the crowd sang along to every word all night long, with Lee’s impeccable live vocals taking the lead. Immaculate of a voice enough to cover Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance With Somebody,” The Weeknd’s “Can’t Feel My Face” and Michael Jackson’s “Pretty Young Thing” with her fantastic flare.
After taking a photo with the crowd (followed by Lee jumping in), performing a group cancan dance & having drum solos with glow in the dark drumsticks, MisterWives officially welcomed us all into their own house as they performed Our Own House.
Overall, there were no zoo animals on the loose (as their album art might suggest), but it sure felt like there were unicorns parading down rainbow roads & through floral gardens. It was such a positive atmosphere & an incredible show – what more could you ask for? Fun fans, great music & a super-talented band. You’d never guess it was the second night of their Scrapbook Tour!
Check out MisterWives single for “Reflections”
Thank you Live Nation
[ Review written by Aren Adamian]
[Photography by Hayley Hasessian]