Interview ‘The Amazing Race Canada’ finalist contestants Colin and Matt

Colin and Matt, one of the four finalist teams from “The Amazing Race Canada,” shared their reflections on their journey during an interview with “The Extra Mile”

TEM (The Extra Mile) :  I want to say congrats on even making it this far on The Amazing Race Canada. I heard you guys auditioned for 10 years. Is that correct?

Colin: Yeah, we applied every season since the very first so, you know, make into the starting line for season 10 was the most surreal feeling that we ever had.

TEM:  What would it mean to you guys to win the amazing race, Canada?

Colin: Oh my God, it would be mind-blowing. It would mean everything. would be life-changing. It would be the complete definition of a lifelong dream come from the cherry on top.

Matt : I mean livin the dream already. The dream was to get on and the next dream was to not be eliminated first.

Colin: And then it was to get to the end. And now the last thing on the list is just a win. Yeah. That’s the last thing to do.

Matt: So we’ve just been living the dream this whole this whole summer.

TEM:  Was it both your ideas in the beginning originally or did one of you guys kind of have a little bit more of a push?

Colin: Yeah, I think it started out as my dream. like, even when, before the major race candle was a thing, I was a fan of the US show, you know? So I would watch that and then, you know, when the Canadian version came out, that’s when, you know, I went to man and said, buddy, we got to do this, right? Like, we would be awesome at it. And then, you know, we had some early success in the application process early on in the early seasons. then from that moment on, we just, you know, of dug our heels in and said, no, we’re gonna make this happen. And from that moment, we said, gonna get on the amazing race.

Matt: Yeah, we were like, okay, we’ve made it, we make it so far and you’re like, okay, so it is possible and, you know, Colin’s persistence in the beginning was key to keeping that, keeping that going. It was, yeah, I mean, here we are. Oh, it,

Colin : I mean, it’s definitely hard, you know, when you want something so bad and you get, you know, rejected, you get rejected year after year, after year after year, you know, nine times, right? And then the 10th time it works out, it’s crazy. So all the fans out there, if you have applied year after year, if you want to be on the show.You don’t don’t give up. It can happen.

Matt: Persistency

TEM: When you guys heard that you were gonna be on the amazing news panel, like, what did you guys do to mentally and physically prepare for the show?

Matt: I don’t know if there’s anything you can do.

Colin: Yeah. you know, like, contrary to popular belief, you know, I did do a little bit of exercise for the show. I did, you know, work out. I did some running, you know.

Matt: Don’t skip leg that. Don’t skip. That’s the rule.

Colin: But, you know, aside from, you know, just doing a little bit of extra exercise, you know, and maybe, you know, some brain games and things like that, there really is nothing you can do to prepare yourself for the show, because you have no idea what they’re throwing at you. Like, I had no idea he was gonna be standing on top of a horse one day and, you know, it’s just completely random and chaos the entire time. So it’s just buckle up and just enjoy the ride, really.

Matt: Yeah. We watched all the past seasons over and over again, but still even so, I mean as much as you can know what challenges and all that good. There’s just no way to prepare besides to just read one clue at a time and do it one day at a time.

TEM: Speaking of challenges, I’m curious. What was your would you say your favorite and the most challenging so far?

Colin: Do you want to go favorite? I think we all know what the most challenging is. We all watched the Russell Manitoba Ukrainian dancing, right? That was that was not fun.

Matt: I think the funnest for me was Curling. As terrible as we were ,I had so much fun doing it.

Colin: The zipline last episode was a lot of fun. That was wicked and nailing the targets of the water and everything.  I think overall that it was a really fun day.

Matt: I’m watching my cousins of firefighters, watching the episode with him was also hilarious.

TEM:  So, I mean, how would you guys say your relationship as a team are like kind of evolved throughout the race, especially as, you know, you got closer to, you know, the finale.

Colin: It’s so funny because throughout the race, we would be asked that question so frequently, like pretty much every day and they would ask us this and everybody would be it really hasn’t changed that much. You know, like, we know each other. We love each other. Like, we know each other and out. Like, this race, of course, it brought us like close together. But I mean, we were already so close that, you know.

Matt:  I think we learned about each other would be the stuff that we never thought we would be able to do. Like, personally, I mean, I would never get on a horse level and stand on low and they’re lying on it and repelling down Niagara Falls and doing the Ukrainian dance was two very painful knees, you know. thought that we would never do it on a daily basis. We’ve done it. And here we are.

TEM: So without revealing too much, is there anything that you can say kind of like your final thoughts of heading into the finale

Colin: oh my God, buckle up. If you know, it’s, yeah, it’s been a journey to get here and it’s not over yet, you know? It’s going to be interesting.

TEM: So we’re all about going the extra mile. So what is one thing that you do in your day-to-day life where you go the extra mile?

Matt: I think the extra mile for me, it’s it’s never a physical thing, but it’s always just going the extra mile to check in on your buddies and just be nice. A lot of people don’t check in on their buddies or say, how are you doing or what’s up . well, I guess that would be it.

Colin: I’d say I just go the extra mile in, you know, if I have a goal, I’m going to accomplish the goal. Like, if I have, you know, I’m a clear target in mind, like I’m not stopping until I get it done, you know, and that’s, you know, the persistence, I guess, is how I go the extra mile in life.

The final episode of THE AMAZING RACE CANADA airs at a new time next week!! Find out who the winner is on Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 8 p.m. ET/PT/MT/AT/CT on CTV, and the CTV app. 

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