Interview ‘The Amazing Race Canada’ contestants Connor and John

Connor and John , the third eliminated team from “The Amazing Race Canada,” shared their reflections on their journey during an interview with “The Extra Mile.

TEM (The Extra Mile) : What kind of got each of you motivated or inspired to go on The Amazing Race Canada?

John: A lot of people told me that I should apply and that it would be a great experience for me. I never thought anything of it until I saw online that the application process is open. And I asked my mom, like, hey, do you think I should apply for The Amazing Race Canada? I actually watched it when I was younger, and she said, at first she was a little worried because they have had some crazy challenges about it, but she was supportive about it, and I thought, why not throw the rock in the water, and I applied for it, and lucky enough, I got offered an audition, and Connor was my selection for a partner, because I thought he’d be incredible to have right by my side, and he was all up for it as well, so we went from there, and lucky enough, we were fortunate to be selected.

TEM: So if you guys can have one thing you’d say about each other, like a strength that each of you brought to the team, what would you say that is?

Connor: Well, I’ll say that John… handled, as you saw, 80% of the roadblocks. So, John was clutching up out there. He was kind of tackling all the hard challenges. So, he really brought it. He was carrying us through.

John :Connor not only brought, obviously, a lot of the basic capabilities, especially with the wheelbarrow, but he also brought a lot of mental toughness that he applied not only for his own well-being, but for mine as well. And I’m very appreciative of that

TEM: Is there anything during the show that you wish you guys would have done differently?

Connor: Yeah, I think my mom’s probably going to be pretty disappointed in my laundry abilities, but I wouldn’t change a thing about how everything went down. You know, we’re super grateful just to be on the show in general. It’s a win just to be there. And yeah, everything happens for a reason, and it played out the way that it did. And why sort of dwell on the past, you know?

John: I completely agree with Connor. There’s no point in wasting your mental energy on thinking about what you could change in the past. We don’t have a time machine. Just look forward in life. If you made a mistake, if you want to change something, just use that as motivation, as a learning process on how to make your life better in the future.

Connor: I will say though,  I’d love to do that first roadblock, the rappel down Niagara Falls. I’m a little jealous about that one. It seemed pretty cool. I’ll sign up for something like that.

John: I’m never going to do that again. I’ll happily help him sign up. I’ll be at the bottom cheering him on

TEM: So what’s one advice that you would give to future contestants that want to apply or anything that you could say that like would help prepare? What did you guys do to prepare for the show?

John: In terms of the application process, be yourself. The second you act like somebody you’re not, it’s very obvious first of all for everyone else to realize that isn’t who you are. Just live life though, even not only just the application process, but live your life as yourself and you will find success. In terms of the actual race, I would say practice your cardio three months in advance.

TEM: What’s one thing that kind of pushes you to go the extra mile, whether it be in your personal life, your work life, or anything else? Is there something that you do that would say that separates you from everyone else?

John: Every night, I write down three things on my phone, unfortunately, because in a lot of other ways, I have access to a cell phone. I write three things that I was appreciative for during that day, and then after writing that, it makes me realize how awesome my life is, and it motivates me to have a great morning the next day. Because guess what? We are so freaking lucky to live the life that we do. Mm-hmm. Around the world right now. That pushes me to go the extra mile.

Connor :Yeah, I would say what pushes me to go the extra mile is, I want to really just make my friends and family proud, and, you know, like Johnny said, I kind of try to practice gratitude every day, and, you know, also a big one for me is getting some exercise in every day, get outside, get in the gym, whatever it may be that you do for exercise. But, yeah, that’s my version of going the extra mile.

Watch the Amazing Race Canada every Tuesday 9pm ET on CTV

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