Interview ‘The Amazing Race Canada’ contestants Eva & Trystenne

Eva and Trystenne, the first eliminated team from “The Amazing Race Canada,” shared their reflections on their journey during an interview with “The Extra Mile.”

TEM  (The Extra Mile ) :  What got you guys both motivated to come on the show?

Trystenne: We don’t get to see ourselves on TV often, like two black women displaying black girl magic, being able to empower or pour into each other, motivate each other, support each other through whatever the endeavor is that we wanted to be able to tell that message on Canadian television. I feel like you don’t see it often enough. You maybe see it in America, on American shows, but in this country specifically, we don’t get to see women like ourselves on TV and it was extremely important for us to be able to go on and display black girl magic.

I love that. Was there anything that you guys did to kind of prepare for the show?

Eva: I think we just kind of first we just went back and watched all of the episodes again, but I don’t think you can do anything to prepare for the amazing breeze in Canada just because every show is different, every season is different, every challenge is different. And it doesn’t matter your physical ability or like your mental capacity, it doesn’t really matter. Everything is so different. So we tried our best to prepare, but at the end of the day, whatever they gave us, we just took it and we did the best we could with the book.

Trystenne:  I think we definitely focused on like sharpening our strengths, like our physical ability. Like we’re obviously two very intellectual women, but I think our physical abilities are what we’re kind of counting on for the show. And so we try to just make sure we, we made sure that we really fine-tune that. We were doing cardio, we’re doing weight training, we’re doing all that stuff. We’re just doing even like background information on how to pack, even though it didn’t work, but how to pack, how to, like what to expect. Certain things like compasses, like little, little like tools that can help throughout the show like just doing our due diligence on like those things I feel like that’s kind of how you know we prepared and then we were ready to put our best foot forward and exactly what we did here.

TEM : You were both very physically fit but is there anything that you think you kind of brought to the team kind of when you’re working together like a particular trait that each one of you brought?

Trystenne:  I would say, I think I’ll answer for Eva, maybe, like, you brought the resilience. Like, one thing about her, wow, it’s one thing about her throughout the entire journey. Like, she was like, “Trystenne, keep going. My heart is burning, my legs are burning, my ankles are burning.” Eva was like this the whole time,”Keep going, just keep I just keep going. And I think that that quality in itself is extremely important to have within your team because things can’t get discouraging. Things can get extremely challenging. And if you don’t have like your sense of self one, but like traits like resilience, it’s going to be hard to push through a lot of things. And we didn’t quit. I think that’s like the most beautiful part about the episode, like regardless of what happened, there was no moment that we were like, we’re not doing this. You know what? I can’t do this. It’s too hard.

Eva: Literally fought a good fight legit. Like, we just kept going. But I was gonna say, yeah, you were super resilient too. Like, I was just motivating you to stop. You’re like, okay. – I know, I never stopped, but I thought about it.

TEM : Is there anything that you would have done differently if you could kind of go back in time?

Trystenne:  Pack lighter. Pack lighter. Pack lighter. That is like first and foremost.

Eva: And also use our resources more. We had dollars and we didn’t use it because we thought we would save it for a No, we definitely use our resources,

Trystenne:  I think, and naturally we kind of think in like survival mode and I think the last thing we wanted to do is spend the money and then get to a point where they’re like, we need the $500 that you were given at the beginning. And I think that was kind of more to our process. We knew we had the physical ability to like just keep running. So instead of kind of like wasting or like potentially like using the money for that like it was like, like designed for, I think we kind of like relied on like our feet, our hands and like we ran that whole length. – We didn’t take any taxis, we didn’t take any buses. – We didn’t take a bus. – Wow, yeah. – The entire thing. – Yeah, the entire thing. – On our feet, we put some miles on those shoes. – Miles on those shoes, but yeah.  I would say pack lighter, ’cause I think regardless of like running the entire leg on foot we would have been able to do it like we did it so I think we would have been able to do it faster if our legs were lighter.

TEM: If you get given the opportunity would you both go back on the show and do it again if you could?

Trystenne: I would literally pack a water bottle with extra socks that’s it yeah all I’m wearing the same outfit every episode you guys are gonna see the same bust out I’m not talking any clothes,I will hand wash it dry. And if it’s wet, it’s wet.

TEM: Do you have any other advice that you would want to get to any people that future contestants essentially for the show?

Eva : Um, just come out and give it your all like literally put your best foot forward. It doesn’t even matter about your physical ability or your capacity. Like literally this show, this game is for anybody to win. They literally,it’s luck. Like it doesn’t matter about anything. So just come out and give it your all and do it, find your why and your reasoning and just do it for that reason.

Trystenne: Well, we haven’t talked about our why. Nobody’s asked us about our why’s in these interviews, but yeah, I think that’s a good one. Find your why, ’cause that’ll push you. And I feel like that pushed us to every challenge and every moment of our episode. But I would also say, regardless of the outcomes, continue to walk with your head held high. It is such an accomplishment to just get on the show. And I think that’s something that like, people keep asking us how do we feel we are so extremely proud of ourselves simply for one being able to get onto the show and then two being able to like display what we wanted to display while being on the show you know what I mean like we’re able to get our message across we were able to you know eloquently show the world what black girl magic looks like so I think walk with your head held high keep pushing and we’re so proud of ourselves.  It was an amazing experience. And I wouldn’t have done it with anybody else. So girl, got this.

TEM : So we’re all about going the extra mile. What is one thing that you guys would say, each of you, that you do in your day to day where you go the Extra Mile?

Eva: for me– – How I’m interpreting it. – Yeah. – For me going the extra mile because we are personal trainers. We do help a lot of other people throughout the day and that can also be little taxing on ourselves but I go the extra mile by like kind of having a little self -care for myself and putting myself forward in terms of wow.

And in terms of like you know getting my good workout and eating good for myself so I literally take the time to like put the extra mile into myself um as well as pouring into other people,but putting that extra mile into myself. So in the past, it was hard to kind of find that balance. But then I learned, I said, Oh, even though you’re helping other people, you still have to go the extra mile and put pour into yourself as well.

Trystenne: So yeah, wow, you literally interpreted it. I interpreted it because similar to what you said, I mean, we pour into so many lives, but we can’t pour in if us, if our own cup isn’t full. And So I feel like I take the extra mile by like my devotion, my time at God, like really centering my day around God and making sure that like you set that time first thing when you wake up and then being able to do all the other things you said, take care of our bodies like healthily, whether we’re working out, we’re eating correctly, you know, we’re like, people talk about like eating healthy, so important for your body, but like what you actually consume is just as important. So being mindful of like things like like that reading books instead of always scrolling on social media. I feel like we’re still aware of like certain things like that, that being disciplined in those areas is how we go the extra mile.


Watch the Amazing Race Canada every Tuesday 9pm ET on CTV

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