Interview ‘The Amazing Race Canada’ contestants Dorothy and Olus

Dorothy and Olus , the second eliminated team from “The Amazing Race Canada,” shared their reflections on their journey during an interview with “The Extra Mile.

The Extra Mile (TEM) : What made you both go on the Amazing Race Canada?

Olus: And for us, just because we’re adventurers, we wanted to see a lot of Canada. I mean, we’ve been doing some traveling on our own now. We realized how beautiful Canada is with different like terrain and landscapes and also the cultures, the food, the experiences. So when we found out we could be on the Amazing Race and see a lot of Canada and also get these experiences and have them televised, we’re like, why not? Sure. Sign me up.

TEM : id you learn anything new or any fun facts about Canada?

Olus: Oh definitely I think at the show time we definitely learned a lot about Niagara Falls yes unlike just the the tunnel as well right so you know there were a lot of like fun facts here and there and where we went.

TEM: How did you uh both prepare for the amazing race what were you guys have any tips and tricks or anything that you guys did to prepare?

Dorothy:  I mean I think at some point we’re in the gym like every morning at 6am. Yeah we really try to wake up um super early to have that discipline because I mean you need that on the race you never know what day and what time the race is gonna start and I think also we try to do some puzzles memorize a lot of things just to get our brain like stimulated you know before the race but I mean we didn’t expect to be out in the cold and running everywhere so I don’t think we’re fully prepared for that.

Olus:  I think we also bought like a ton of maps and we tried to read like paper maps we need some math as well yes because you know there’s always math right yeah um yeah.

TEM: How was the dynamic of that, just having you two together and competing?

Dorothy: I mean, for us, it was fun. And I’m actually surprised that we didn’t fight or bicker at all in the race. Those few moments that we spent. But I think we definitely do work together as a team, normally. I mean, we actually do work together, like, literally. So we just have that synergy, that telepathy. And he kind of makes a lot of, I would say he makes right decisions, and he thinks fast on his feet. So I mean, like, we knew our strengths. I’m like, when we basically make a decision, I’m like, what do we do, what do we do? And he’s like, we should go, we should do this. And I’m like, okay, I’ll just do it, like, as you said. And so there wasn’t too much, we didn’t argue a lot or whatnot. But being able to just lean on each other and go through the challenges together, was something that we definitely enjoyed, for sure.

 TEM: Actually, you kind of partially answered my next question. So what’s one skill that you would say that each other brings to the team? I know you kind of just answered for him. Do you have anything you want to say about Dorothy ?

Olus :I would say… Let me think about that one. Yeah, I think first of all, like, Dorothy really helped to keep us kind of organized and grounded. So, I mean, we had a strategy going into the race. And I tend to stray away from that sometimes or just have, like, spontaneous ideas. But she kind of kept us grounded in terms of, like… First of all, she kept our money. Second of all, when we reached each clue, she was like, this is what we’re meant to do. This is the task, like, do you understand it? Because I was just like, go, go, go. But she’s like, wait, calm down, and let’s understand what they’re asking us to do. So I think she really kept us grounded through the race.

TEM: Is there anything that you would have done differently? Maybe minus the kayak. Maybe minus, you know, building that skill up. But is there anything else that, you know, you would have done differently if you had the chance to go back on?

Olus: Yeah, I would say definitely the second half of the race, just when we had that picture of Clue to meet John and stuff. I think we should have asked the local what it meant earlier, but we took some time to kind of do our own thing and try to figure it out, which didn’t work for us. So that’s the only thing I would do differently.

TEM: So that being said, if you had the opportunity to go back on, would you guys go back again?

Dorothy: Well, if I had a do-over, I would. I know we only got like two legs in, but that is the experience and I wouldn’t change that for anything. 100%. Is there anything that you want to say to any like readers or viewers that want to kind of go on to any future seasons? I think I would definitely say is 100% different from when you’re watching it on your couch. Everyone is like, Oh, I can do that. That’s so easy. Oh, why don’t you do that? Oh my God. Yeah. But when you’re actually thrown into the race, there’s a lot of unpredictable moments, things that you’d never expect and you can try to be prepared, but you have to keep an open mind because there’s so many situations that they throw you that you never even think would happen. So just, you know, try your best to be prepared, but at the same time, keep an open mind because anything can happen, like literally.

TEM: We’re all about going the extra mile. What is one thing that you guys do individually that you go the extra mile, whether it be, you know, on the show or just on your day-to-day life?

Olus: Hmm. I think for us, we always try to make sure everything we do comes from a place of excellence. So in our work, I mean, we’re content creators, we’re also music artists. So just in our art and in our crafts, we make sure everything we do is quality. Even as a small business here in Canada, like, we don’t just act like a small business. We think big and we make sure we’re delivering value every way we can. So it’s just one of our values is to actually go the extra mile.

Dorothy: And I mean, for us, we also try not to give up on anything, which we also took to the race. I mean, like, even if we knew we’re in last place or at the back of the pack, we’re like, penalty is not an option. We’re going to finish each and everything until we get to the mat and we’re here. You have to go home. So just also not giving up and trying everything that you can before you throw in the towel, pretty much.

Watch the Amazing Race Canada every Tuesday 9pm ET on CTV

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