BEAUTY POST: Moroccan Oil
Once in a while, I look through some of my favourite blogs on Tumblr, Pinterest, Facebook and even Google searches on some of the things I would like to spend my extra little money on. I would like to do some of these posts more often and hopefully, this one will give you an idea on the beauty products that I have used or frequently use presently. Based on popularity, I hope that I can share my opinions with you more often and give you reviews on my favourite products or not so favourite products that are out in stores. Today I would like to give you a review on Moroccan Oil.

If anyone has seen me in person, or even based on the photos that we post and are going to post in the future, you will notice my hair is very light and fragile. I did a lot of things to it: coloured, permed, flat ironed… just the unimaginable. If I could go back in time… well, there would be plenty to say there but I won’t bore you. When I was shopping for something to revive my fine and damaged hair, I stumbled upon Moroccan Oil. Mind you, it is very pricy. The medium sized bottle of oil is about $49CDN and the HYDRATION MASK is about $44CDN, which is what I currently own and frequently use. Recently, Costco had an amazing sale that I missed: full bottle of Moroccan Oil Shampoo, Conditioner and a mini bottle of the oil for just $30CDN. I didn’t really care what the price is anymore as there were trips to plan and I wanted to be prepared mentally, emotionally and physically. I was willing to try anything. I bought this product in the beginning of December and I still haven’t gone through half the contents, so the price is well worth the longevity and results it has to offer.
The first time I used the oil, I pumped out a little bit on my hand and ran it through the ends of my hair, and whatever access was left, ran it through my entire head of hair. I knew for sure that if this product doesn’t work, it smells amazing when you have it in your hair all day. It certainly does the job; after not even one minute of applying, my hair absorbed the oil completely. It left a shine and a soft touch to my hair that I haven’t felt since middle school. I would recommend the oil for anyone that wants to fall in love with their hair again, or love it even more.
The HYDRATION MASK I purchased recommends that I do not use it more than twice a week, and less often as my hair improves. I have used the mask a total of 5 times so far, and every time I use it, it leaves my hair thicker, shinier, and looking healthier. It also is a thousand times stronger when it comes to the scent (which I am not complaining about, I spend all day buried in my hair because of it). I do regret not getting the REPAIR MASK, which is only recommended to use once a week. I know for sure after I run out, I will be running to the nearest store to buy some more.
I haven’t felt good or confident about my hair in a very long time, and if you’re somebody who is looking for a fix that’s going to help you in the long run, Moroccan Oil is certainly something to check out. I am one to shower everyday (I’m a huge germaphobe), so I try not to shampoo my hair all the time. I definitely will be picking up the full line of shampoo and conditioner this product has to offer and I recommend you do the same, it’s something you will never regret!