Abandon All Ships Celebrates Geeving 5th Year Anniversary @ The Mod Club

12647074_10156568135600360_2084780572534279421_nOn Friday March 18th CONVERSATION, Crucible and Abandon All Ships came together at the Mod Club in Toronto to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Abandon All Ships’ album Geeving.


The first band of the night that I managed to catch was Toronto’s own CONVERSATION. Having seen this band once before I was eager to catch another show. As soon as the band stepped on stage and began playing their first song you could just tell this would a high-energy set. With a bigger stage than the last time I saw them, it was nice to see what kind of show they are capable of putting on. Not only did it seem like the members of conversation were enjoying themselves but the people watching the set seemed to be enjoying themselves too. Conversation played a number of songs including “This is Me Breathing” along with a couple of newer songs as well. Overall I have to say that this is one band that I really enjoy seeing live.


Next up was a band that I and a large number of people in the crowd were excited to see. Crucible is the DIY Side Project started by Dave Stephens of We Came As Romans and is a band made up of members from other professional bands. The Members of Crucible include Andrew Glass (WCAR), Lou Cotton (WCAR), Todd Jansen (Assassins), and Nick Freddell (Taproot). Opening the set with “The Trial” Followed by “Fear Mongers” allowed the crowd to get a feel for this newly formed band. By the time the 3rd song ended there was a sizeable mosh pit and a number of people crowd surfing. Crucible played all of their songs from their debut EP “The Trials” and ended their set with a song by one of their favourite bands which was “Break Stuff” by Limp Bizkit. Having played a very energetic, enjoyable and fun set I am curious to see how far this side project will go in the future.


As the house lights turned off the crowd went wild, as each member of Abandon All Ships came on stage the crowd became louder and louder, this was the moment everyone had been waiting for. When abandon all ships had announced that they would be coming together for this anniversary show it shocked and excited a lot of fans due to the fact that they have been broken up since September 2014. It was easy to see from the amount of people at the show that many people in fact missed Abandon All Ships. As advertised Abandon All Ships played Geeving in its entirety, starting with “Bro My god” and ending with “Take One Last Breath”. Even though the set may have been shorter than fans may have liked, their performance was full of energy, fist pumping, and catchy tunes. Dave Stephens of Crucible even joined them in preforming “Structures” which one of their heavier songs on the album.

Abandon All Ships is one band that I have seen countless times, and truthfully some sets I’ve seen were better than others, this set however was DEFFINATELY one of the best ones I’ve seen. Everything seemed a lot tighter and everyone seemed to be in sync with one another. Whether it was the positive energy of everyone reuniting, or it was the hours upon hours of practicing, it sure made for a really good set. After they finished and the house lights turned on it was nice to see that most if not all of the guys in the band spent time meeting their fans. All in all I am very glad I had a chance to attend this show.

BIG Thank you to Homesick, Union Events and Live Nation

